Results for 'Eugene Ugonna Igboaja'

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    Welcome to philosophy.Eugene Ugonna Igboaja - 2014 - Enugu: Lay Apostolate Publications.
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  2. Генезис, структура та форми тіньової економіки в україні.Eugene Samojlenko - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):46-51.
    У статті простежено формування та динаміку розвитку тіньової економіки в Україні. Показано, що реформування економіки країни на початку 1990-х років без належного наукового обґрунтування призвело до механічного копіювання та реалізації монетаристської моделі регулювання економічних процесів. Реалізація закордонних "рецептів" реформування економіки без урахування національної специфіки призвела до появи нових форм та методів тіньової економічної діяльності.
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    Computational semantics: an introduction to artificial intelligence and natural language comprehension.Eugene Charniak & Yorick Wilks (eds.) - 1976 - New York: distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier/North Holland.
    Linguistics. Artificial intelligence. Related fields. Computation.
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    The Spiritual Automaton: Spinoza's Science of the Mind.Eugene Marshall - 2013 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    Eugene Marshall presents an original, systematic account of Spinoza's philosophy of mind, in which the mind is presented as an affective mechanism that, when rational, behaves as a spiritual automaton. He explores key themes in Spinoza's thought, and illuminates his philosophical and ethical project in a striking new way.
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    Renaissance Concepts of Method.Eugene F. Rice - 1962 - Philosophical Review 71 (2):263.
  6. Reason without Freedom: The Problem of Epistemic Normativity.Eugene Mills - 2002 - Mind 111 (442):462-466.
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    The Ideology of Wealth and the Liberal Economic Heritage: The Neglected View.Eugene Rotwein - 1973 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 40.
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    Is there a role for extraretinal factors in the maintenance of stability in a structured environment?Eugene Chekaluk - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (2):258-258.
    The calibration solution to the stability of the world despite eye movements depends, according to Bridgeman et al., upon a combination of three factors which presumably all need to operate to achieve the goal of stability. Although the authors admit (sect. 4.3, para. 5) that the relative contributions of retinal and extraretinal factors will depend on the particular viewing situation, Figure 5 (sect. 4.3) makes it clear in its representation that the role of perceptual factors is relatively minor compared to (...)
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  9. (1 other version)Sociologie Générale.Eugène Dupréel - 1949 - Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia 5 (2):238-239.
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    Passing Markers: A Theory of Contextual Influence in Language Comprehension.Eugene Charniak - 1983 - Cognitive Science 7 (3):171-190.
    Most Artificial Intelligence theories of language either assume a syntactic component which serves as “front end” for the rest of the system, or else reject all attempts at distinguishing modules within the comprehension system. In this paper we will present an alternative which, while keeping modularity, will account for several puzzles for typical “syntax first” theories. The major addition to this theory is a “marker passing” (or “spreading activation”) component, which operates in parallel to the normal syntactic component.
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  11. Decoherence, Branching, and the Born Rule in a Mixed-State Everettian Multiverse.Eugene Y. S. Chua & Eddy Keming Chen - forthcoming - Synthese.
    In Everettian quantum mechanics, justifications for the Born rule appeal to self-locating uncertainty or decision theory. Such justifications have focused exclusively on a pure-state Everettian multiverse, represented by a wave function. Recent works in quantum foundations suggest that it is viable to consider a mixed-state Everettian multiverse, represented by a (mixed-state) density matrix. Here, we develop the conceptual foundations for decoherence and branching in a mixed-state multiverse, and extend arguments for the Born rule to this setting. This extended framework provides (...)
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  12. (1 other version)La philosophie politique de Hegel.Eugène Fleischmann - 1964 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 19 (3):450-450.
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  13. Early Abortion and Personal Ontology.Eugene Mills - 2013 - Acta Analytica 28 (1):19-30.
    We are beings endowed with “personal capacities”—the capacity for reason, for a concept of self, perhaps more. Among ontologically salient views about what else we are, I focus on the “Big Three.” According to animalism, we are animals that have psychological properties only contingently. According to psychologistic materialism, we are material beings; according to substance dualism, we are either immaterial beings or composites of immaterial and material ones; but according to both psychologistic materialism and substance dualism, we essentially have some (...)
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    Group selection and contextual analysis.Eugene Earnshaw - 2015 - Synthese 192 (1):305-316.
    Multi-level selection can be understood via the Price equation or contextual analysis, which offer incompatible statistical decompositions of evolutionary change into components of group and individual selection. Okasha argued that each approach suffers from problem cases. I introduce further problem cases for the Price approach, arguing that it is appropriate for MLS 2 group selection but not MLS 1. I also show that the problem cases Okasha raises for contextual analysis can be resolved. For some such cases, however, it emerges (...)
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  15. Диоген из аполлонии. Фрагменты и свидетельства.Eugene Afonasin - 2009 - ΣΧΟΛΗ: Ancient Philosophy and The Classical Tradition 3 (2):559-611.
    The publication is dedicated to Diogenes of Apollonia, the "last Presocratic cosmologist". Building upon the great edition by André Laks it contains a Russian translation and commentaries on the few extant fragments of Diogenes’ writing and more extensive ancient testimonia about his life and teachings. The main body of the publication comprises the fragments, doxographical testimonia and doubtful testimonia. The texts are arranged according to the principles proposed by A. Laks and differ from what we find in Diels-Kranz both in (...)
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    A Ready Reference to Philosophy East and West.Eugene F. Bales - 1987 - Upa.
    Offers a summary account of the history of philosophical thought through the 19th century, an unusually updated and balanced account of 20th century thought, and lengthy chapters on the history of Chinese and Indian thought. Selected by Choice as an Outstanding Academic Book of 1988-1989.
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  17. T Falls Apart: On the Status of Classical Temperature in Relativity.Eugene Yew Siang Chua - 2023 - Philosophy of Science 90 (5):1307-1319.
    Taking the formal analogies between black holes and classical thermodynamics seriously seems to first require that classical thermodynamics applies in relativistic regimes. Yet, by scrutinizing how classical temperature is extended into special relativity, I argue that the concept falls apart. I examine four consilient procedures for establishing the classical temperature: the Carnot process, the thermometer, kinetic theory, and black-body radiation. I argue that their relativistic counterparts demonstrate no such consilience in defining the relativistic temperature. As such, classical temperature doesn’t appear (...)
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    Simplifying the Principles of Stakeholder Management: The Three Most Important Principles.Eugene Szwajkowski - 2000 - Business and Society 39 (4):379-396.
    This article draws on Principles of Stakeholder Managementrecently published by the Clarkson Centre for Business Ethics. The article discusses the most important principles and the reasoning behind them. First, though, it lays a foundation for the application of these principles by interpreting a massive empirical study that demonstrates strong parallels between stakeholder valuation of firms (measured as overall reputation) and shareholder valuation (stock market returns). This evidence is coupled with conceptual analysis that shows that the most famous pronouncements of Adam (...)
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    The Qualitative Arms Race: Pluralism Gone Mad?Eugene Lewis - 1990 - Science, Technology and Human Values 15 (4):430-441.
    Large-scale weapons systems have increasingly become part of a patronage system justified by claims about national defense. American politics tends to proceed by distribution, redistribution, and compromise. The disjunction between the "virtually" autonomous processes of worldwide weapons innovation and American incrementalism lead to a potentially disastrous situation. This situation is characterized by potential chaos in the integration of complex, interdependent combat and communication systems as well as a mindless arms race that seems to defy political control. A modest proposal is (...)
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  20. Dialogism and agency in education.Eugene Matusov, Mark P. Smith, Elizabeth Soslau, Ana Marjanovic-Shane & Katherine von Duyke - forthcoming - Educational Theory.
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    Hartshorne on Actuality.Eugene H. Peters - 1977 - Process Studies 7 (3):200-204.
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    Considérations sur l'importance du facteur osmotioue et du facteur rapique dans le développement de la vie dans la mer noire.Eugène A. Pora - 1962 - Acta Biotheoretica 15 (4):161-174.
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    Alain Leroy Locke.Eugene C. Holmes - 1954 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 28:65 - 66.
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    Lewis on Experience, Reason, and Religious Belief.Eugene Thomas Long - 1981 - Review of Metaphysics 35 (1):87 - 109.
    H d lewis gives a central role to religious experience in his philosophy of religion, But argues that religious experience is not some merely non-Cognitive event for which no justification can be given. I introduce lewis' understanding of religious experience and critically evaluate its implications for religious knowledge, The relation between experience and argument and the language of religion.
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    Does Flo flow? Cell layer interactions during floral development.Eugene J. Szymkowiak - 1995 - Bioessays 17 (5):387-390.
    Higher plant shoot meristems are multicellular structures that are the site of postembryonic organogenesis. Analysis of chimeric plants has indicated that cells in different regions of the meristem can interact with each other so that their activities are coordinated during developmental processes. Correlations have not been demonstrated between events at a molecular level and the interactions observed at a phenotypic level in chimeras. Two recent papers(1,2) address this problem by reporting that expression of the floricaula gene in one region of (...)
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    Pure experience: the response to William James.Eugene Taylor & Robert H. Wozniak (eds.) - 1996 - Bristol: Thoemmes Press.
    The Key Issues series aims to make available the contemporary responses that met important books and debates on their first appearance. These take the form of journal articles, book extracts, public letters, sermons and pamphlets which provides an insight into the historical relevance and the social and political context in which a publication or particular topic emerged. Each volume brings together some of the key responses to the works.
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    Attack on Pagan Religion.Eugene Teselle - 1973 - The Saint Augustine Lecture Series:12-24.
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    Teaching Wittgenstein’s Later Philosophy.Eugene A. Troxell - 1996 - Teaching Philosophy 19 (1):3-29.
    The author explores various pedagogical methods concerning how to teach Wittgenstein’s later work. A significant obstacle for the incorporation of Wittgenstein into an undergraduate curriculum is to decipher the major features of his philosophical ideas. The engagement with Wittgenstein’s work is not a task of mere comprehension or thought, but rather of discernment and observation of the ways language operates in the formulation of ideas. The distinction between observation and thought in Wittgenstein’s work on language is often overlooked. In order (...)
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    Objective and Existential Truth in Politics.Eugene Webb - 1995 - Public Affairs Quarterly 9 (2):193-199.
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    William James on Consciousness Beyond the Margin.Eugene Taylor - 2011 - Princeton University Press.
    At the turn of the twentieth century, William James was America's most widely read philosopher. In addition to being one of the founders of pragmatism, however, he was also a leading psychologist and author of the seminal work, The Principles of Psychology. While scholars argue that James withdrew from the study of psychology after 1890, Eugene Taylor demonstrates convincingly that James remained preeminently a psychologist until his death in 1910.Taylor details James's contributions to experimental psychopathology, psychical research, and the (...)
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    A Holistic Approach to Rights: Affirmative Action, Reproductive Rights, Censorship, and Future Generations.Eugene Schlossberger - 2007 - Upa.
    Applying new theories about rights to pressing social issues, A Holistic Approach to Rights suggests major changes are needed in the ways we think about rights and formulating social policy.
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    Taste thresholds, detection models, and disparate results.Eugene Linker, Mary E. Moore & Eugene Galanter - 1964 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 67 (1):59.
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    An empirical investigation of the experience of anger.Eugene L. Stevick - 1971 - In Amedeo Giorgi, William Frank Fischer & Rolf Von Eckartsberg (eds.), Duquesne Studies in Phenomenological Psychology. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University Press. pp. 1--132.
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    The relation between category and magnitude scales of loudness.Eugene Galanter & Samuel Messick - 1961 - Psychological Review 68 (6):363-372.
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    Book ReviewsAlice Crary,. Beyond Moral Judgment.Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2007. Pp. 256. $39.95.Eugene Garver - 2008 - Ethics 118 (2):338-340.
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    Term Limits and the Prisoner's Dilemma.Eugene Mills - 1996 - Public Affairs Quarterly 10 (2):143-152.
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    Dual-Investor Theory and the Case for Benefit Corporations.Eugene Schlossberger - 2016 - Business and Professional Ethics Journal 35 (1):51-72.
    Benefit corporations, whose chartered mission includes attending to specific and general social benefits, are sometimes criticized as monstrous hybrids trying to serve two incompatible purposes. Dual-Investor Theory, which regards society as an investor in every business venture, answers this objection by providing a natural and compelling rationale for benefit corporations. Several other objections to benefit corporations are articulated and addressed, including the problems of greenwashing and mission drift; lack of clear direction; mismatch between quantitative measures and the nature of social (...)
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  38. (1 other version)La morale de Geulincx, dans ses rapports avec la philosophie de Descartes.Eugène Terraillon - 1912 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 20 (6):12-13.
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    Porphyry and Augustine.Eugene TeSelle - 1974 - Augustinian Studies 5:113-147.
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    Essais pluralistes.Eugène Dupréel - 1949 - Presses Universitaires de France.
  41. Democratic Republican Societies, 1790-1800.Eugene P. Link & Philip S. Foner - 1943 - Science and Society 7 (4):379-382.
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  42. Spinoza on the problem of akrasia.Eugene Marshall - 2008 - European Journal of Philosophy 18 (1):41-59.
    : Two common ways of explaining akrasia will be presented, one which focuses on strength of desire and the other which focuses on action issuing from practical judgment. Though each is intuitive in a certain way, they both fail as explanations of the most interesting cases of akrasia. Spinoza 's own thoughts on bondage and the affects follow, from which a Spinozist explanation of akrasia is constructed. This account is based in Spinoza 's mechanistic psychology of cognitive affects. Because Spinoza (...)
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    Man Is A God to Man: How Human Beings Can be Adequate Causes.Eugene Marshall - 2014 - In Matthew J. Kisner & Andrew Youpa (eds.), Essays on Spinoza's Ethical Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  44. Leo Strauss: The Recovery of Political Philosophy.Eugene F. Miller - 1975 - In Anthony De Crespigny & Kenneth R. Minogue (eds.), Contemporary political philosophers. New York: Dodd, Mead.
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    Ce qui est important.Eugène Minkowski - 1971 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 69 (3):407-415.
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    Petite grammaire phénoménologique. Quelques traits de plume.Eugène Minkowski - 1964 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 62 (74):258-298.
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  47. Przestrzeń pierwotna.Eugène Minkowski - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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  48. Smak.Eugène Minkowski - 2010 - Kronos - metafizyka, kultura, religia 3 (14).
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  49. Vers quels horizons nous emmène Gaston Bachelard?Eugène Minkowski - 1963 - Revue Internationale de Philosophie 4 (4):419.
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    Callicott and the foundations of environmental ethics.Eugene C. Hargrove - 1989 - Environmental Ethics 11 (3):286-288.
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